425 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of compressible gas flow coupled to heat conduction in two space dimensions

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    The current thesis studies a model of two dimensional convection of an ideal gas in a rectangular domain having walls of finite thickness. The temperature outside of walls is considered constant. Heat exchange between walls and outside/inside air is computed using Newton's law of cooling. Heat transfer inside walls is modelled with the heat equation. The mathematical model inside enclosure involves Navier-Stokes equations coupled with equation of state for gas. The model is numerically studied using the method of large particles. One of the main goals of the current thesis was to develop a software in C# language for numerical solution of the above-described model. Physically meaningful results, including stream lines and distribution of parameters of gas and temperature inside solid walls were obtained

    Developments of scientific and methodical competence of the teacher of pedagogical higher education institution of operating conditions of the educational cluster

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    In article the problem of development of scientific and methodical competence of the teacher of technical college of operating conditions of a regional and branch educational cluster is considered. The structure and the maintenance of the specified competence and functionality of its development is analyzed.Рассматривается проблема развития научно-методической компетентности преподавателя педагогического вуза в условиях функционирования регионально-отраслевого образовательного кластера. Анализируются структура и содержание указанной компетентности и функциональные возможности ее развития

    Features thinking of specialists oil and gas companies in various professional groups

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    The article discusses the features of mental activity of specialists oil and gas companies in various professional groupsВ статье рассматриваются особенности мыслительной деятельности специалистов нефтегазодобывающих компаний различных профессиональных груп


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    The article is devoted to the definition of the psychological characteristics of oil and gas shift workers with high and low levels at meteoreaction in the Arctic. The oil and gas employees in conditions of the Far North and the Arctic are most likely to develop painful meteosensitivity. At the same time, the severity of it is caused by not only natural environmental factors, but also the person's psychological qualities and characteristics. The study was conducted as the scientific expedition, in which 70 oil and gas workers in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug participated from March to April 2015 (shift duration - 30 days), their age - from 24 to 60 years (mean age 38.46 ± 1.410). The study was conducted through questionnaires, psychological tests. Statistical analysis was performed using the methods of descriptive statistics and stepwise discriminant analysis. Processing was carried out using SPSS 22.00 software package. The study revealed that employees of oil and gas companies with a high level of situational meteoreaction had hyperthymic and excitable types of character accentuations, high level expression of constructive external self-limiting and constructive sexuality, as well as a low level of expression of the destructive and deficiency aggression, deficit anxiety, destructive inner self-limitation, destructive narcissism and sexuality

    Effect of the wire width on the intrinsic detection efficiency of superconducting-nanowire single-photon detectors

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    Thorough spectral study of the intrinsic single-photon detection efficiency in superconducting TaN and NbN nanowires with different widths shows that the experimental cut-off in the efficiency at near-infrared wavelengths is most likely caused by the local deficiency of Cooper pairs available for current transport. For both materials the reciprocal cut-off wavelength scales with the wire width whereas the scaling factor quantitatively agrees with the hot-spot detection models. Comparison of the experimental data with vortex-assisted detection scenarios shows that these models predict a stronger dependence of the cut-off wavelength on the wire width.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    First- versus last-year university students’ physical education motivations

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    Objective of the study was to survey and analyze physical education motivations of the first- versus last-year university students not majoring in sport

    Nanoantenna enhancement for telecom-wavelength superconducting single photon detectors

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    Superconducting nanowire single photon detectors are rapidly emerging as a key infrared photon-counting technology. Two front-side-coupled silver dipole nanoantennas, simulated to have resonances at 1480 and 1525 nm, were fabricated in a two-step process. An enhancement of 50 to 130% in the system detection efficiency was observed when illuminating the antennas. This offers a pathway to increasing absorption into superconducting nanowires, creating larger active areas, and achieving more efficient detection at longer wavelengths